A group smiling during a business meeting

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  • Fostering Inclusivity with Google Workspace Accessibility Tools

    Posted in News on June 20, 2023

    In our increasingly digital world, fostering inclusivity means making sure that everyone has access to and can effectively use digital tools and resources. Google Workspace has made strides in providing…

    Read PostBlue-headed Grackle bird standing next to water
  • Growing up with Undiagnosed Autism: A Personal Journey

    Posted in Disability Awareness on June 20, 2023

    Introduction: What is autism? Autism is a neurological condition that affects the way a person interacts with the world around them. Also referred to as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) or…

    Read PostAn illustration of a heart as a puzzle with four different coloured pieces coming together to make it complete.
  • Empowering Accessibility in Higher Education: The Role of GrackleDocs

    Posted in News on June 20, 2023

    In an increasingly digital age, accessibility in higher education is paramount. As educators, we strive to provide equal opportunities to every student, making learning inclusive, diverse, and adaptable. The reality,…

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  • Google Slides and Accessibility

    Posted in News on June 20, 2023

    Creating accessible digital content is a crucial task for those generating digital documents. It’s a way of ensuring that information is accessible to the broadest possible audience. Google Slides, a…

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  • Best Practices for Digital and Event Accessibility in Pride Month Celebrations

    Posted in Digital Accessibility, Disability Awareness on June 2, 2023

    As Pride Month swings into high gear with an array of festivities and digital initiatives, it’s essential to spotlight a frequently overlooked issue: accessibility for all, including the disability community.…

    Read PostAn illustration with of a laptop with the universal accessibility symbol to the right of is waving a flag that reads, "Pride."
  • Don’t limit me!

    Posted in Disability Awareness on May 18, 2023

    Hi, I am Melanie, and I joined the ADAudit team (then Web Key IT) in May 2019 as a Usability Analyst. I have a physical disability because of a viral…

    Read PostAn illustration featuring the infinity symbol and the universal symbol for accessibility.
  • Shame on you, Governor DeSantis

    Posted in Digital Accessibility, Disability Awareness on May 16, 2023

    Yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill that would bar Florida colleges and universities from spending money on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) programs while limiting how race…

    Read PostAn illustration featuring the scales of justice and the state of Florida.
  • Whitespace, Images, and Videos: Tools to Help Those with Dyslexia

    Posted in Digital Accessibility, Disability Awareness on May 16, 2023

    For most people, how a website is laid out is purely an aesthetic choice, but for those with dyslexia, it can be the difference between understanding and not. I have…

    Read PostAn illustration of featuring a light-blue background with a white box in the middle that is outlined by a dotted border.
  • What is a VPAT and why is it important for accessibility?

    Posted in Digital Accessibility, Disability Awareness, Document Accessibility, News on May 2, 2023

    In today’s increasingly digital world, ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities is a critical aspect of designing and developing inclusive products and services. One important tool that aids in this…

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  • How to search for a word in a PDF guide

    Posted in Document Accessibility, News on May 2, 2023

    In a world where digital documents have become the lifeblood of knowledge sharing and information dissemination, the ability to swiftly find specific words or phrases within a PDF guide can…

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  • What is image alternative text (alt-text)?

    Posted in Document Accessibility, News on May 2, 2023

    In today’s digital age, where images dominate the online landscape, it’s easy to forget that not everyone can experience visual content in the same way. For millions of people with…

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  • Accessibility for Small Business Websites

    Posted in Digital Accessibility, Web Accessibility on April 28, 2023

    I have been with ADAudit for a while now as a Website Analyst and have a background in WordPress development and web hosting. Before I took on this role, I…

    Read PostAn illustration of a storefront with the universal accessibility symbol and a circle with code placed in front of it.