Grackle Gateway

Grackle Gateway is a barrier-free way for users to send files to GrackleDocs through one centralized and secure portal.

Learn More Below About Grackle Gateway

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Inquire About Grackle Gateway Today

What is Grackle Gateway?

Grackle Gateway acts as a free, convenient, centralized portal to transfer documents to GrackleDocs. The web-based interface allows you to upload files from multiple locations easily and securely, making it the perfect tool for organizations of all sizes.

Request quotes for remediation services straight from GrackleDocs.

Fully customizable to include your organization’s branding, billing, and chargeback.

Eliminates the need for third-party file-transferring applications.

No size limitations on uploading files

Why Choose Grackle Gateway?

  • Eliminate the need to share documents by email within your organization.
  • Easily integrates within existing document workflows.
  • Works seamlessly with ADService to allow all content authors to send files directly to our leading remediation service.
  • ADGateway makes enterprise tracking and login simple with Single Sign-On to streamline the authentication process.

What Security and Privacy Protocols Does Grackle Gateway Adhere to?

{post_title) adheres to leading global security and privacy protocols like HIPAA, GDPR, and PIPEDA.



  • GDPR




What legislation and standards does Grackle Gateway meet?

{post_title) helps companies meet numerous accessibility legislations and standards from around the world including the following accessibility compliance requirements:

  • PDF/UA


  • AODA


  • HHS


  • WCAG 2.1 AA

    WCAG 2.1 AA

  • EU Directive Logo

    EN 301 549

  • California Code logo

    California Code

  • ACA


  • EU Directive Logo

    EN 2016/2102

  • United States of America Department of State logo

    Section 508

  • United States of America Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs logo


  • BITV


Millions of documents have already been Grackled!

A small sample of what our happy customers have to say about GrackleDocs

  • Michigan Technological University

    As a G-Suite campus we are seeing increased use of Google Docs for the creation of content in instruction and regular business operations including course syllabi and lecture notes as well as departmental memos and policy documents.

    We continue to stress the importance of accessible documents to assure effective use by all and to maintain compliance. Being able to offer the Grackle Suite of tools to our users will help them accomplish this.

  • Columbus State University

    Dear Grackle Team, we are so grateful for your reaching out to share the Grackle product suite. At Columbus State University, we frequently recommend GrackleDocs to faculty members preparing their course content for online courses.

    Its design makes addressing accessibility issues clear and straightforward. When an issue is found, the interface provides a link to its location and methods for addressing it. Then you simply do a recheck. It’s so easy to use! We are looking forward to trying it out with all Google products. Thanks again!

  • CSU San Bernardino

    Grackle Docs is the only tool I’ve used that makes the creation of accessible PDFs a pleasurable experience

  • The Simple Web

    The Grackle Docs’ interface shows document accessibility errors and guides you through fixing them. The process is very easy allowing you to create an accessible PDF at the click of a button.
    After exporting over 250 accessible PDFs in a month with Grackle Docs, I am impressed and relieved to have such a fabulous add-on to Google Docs. The Grackle Docs’ staff respond to support requests promptly, thoroughly and politely.